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Combustion Systems for Industry & Marine Industrial

More than 20 countries, 70 international SAACKE contact offices and more than 1,200 highly qualified employees. Just like our combustion systems, our service is flexible, competent and present on every continent. Learn more about our services regarding retrofit, installation and احصل على السعر

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Manufacturer of combustion systems & industrial burners

SAACKE is a medium-sized, Bremen-based family-owned company characterized by clear structures, short decision-making channels and solid financial management, as well as احصل على السعر

Saacke UK · Research + Development · History · Corporate Responsibility · Quality · Unternehmen


SAACKE GROUP Precision Tools and Tool Cutter Grinding Centers Since 2007, the SAACKE GROUP is a union of three independent companies: Gebr. SAACKE GmbH & Co. KG in احصل على السعر

Baden-WürttembergPforzheimBahnhofstr. 7,  · +49 7231 9560路线网站

Boilers for ships| Marine boilers| SAACKE- SAACKE Group

Fired marine boiler FMB-VL. Water tube type steam boiler for medium to large power range; The special spherical shape of the furnace top plate gives an increased stability against ship احصل على السعر


2011-1-10  SAACKE火焰探测器红外 (IR);紫外 (UV);电离 (IO)式火焰探测器,适于所有单燃烧机或多燃烧机装置。 SAACKE燃烧火焰探测器采用数字式火焰评估,适用于所有燃料的可变 احصل على السعر

Combustion systems for seagoing vessels, offshore plants,

The GCU (Gas Combustion Unit) developed by SAACKE makes the safe transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by sea possible. It utilizes surplus Boil-Off-Gas completely and with highest احصل على السعر


SAACKE公司生产精密刀具已有100多年的历史。 SAACKE公司的滚刀因其质量和精度闻名于世。 SAACKE公司于60多年前开始生产刀具磨床,其中滚刀磨床多为自用。 基于硬质合金滚刀的 احصل على السعر

Feuerungsanlagen für Industrie & Marine

Wenn Sie an thermische Prozesse denken, profitieren Sie von SAACKE Ingenieurs- und Serviceleistungen mit der Erfahrung aus über 20.000 installierten Anlagen weltweit! Seit 90 احصل على السعر

Saacke Uwif في نهاية المطاف أداة آلة طحن

saacke uwif في نهاية المطاف أداة طحن آلة خذ المزيد بيع آلة كسارة الحجر في باكستان get price علامة معدات ثقيلة weekvandekunst علامة محطم لفة ghsspalin فنغ التعدين في ميدان القياس والتحليل لالة تصميم وتقييم للأسنان مزدوجة لفة محطم احصل على السعر

Saacke Uwif في نهاية المطاف أداة آلة طحن

ترحيب Saacke Uwif في نهاية المطاف أداة آلة طحن Saacke Uwif في نهاية المطاف أداة آلة طحن Saacke Uwif في نهاية المطاف أداة آلة طحن في نهاية المطاف التجارة EA Page 3 OIFC منافذ سداد الفواتير OIFC منافذ سداداحصل على السعر


SAACKE GROUP Precision Tools and Tool Cutter Grinding Centers Since 2007, the SAACKE GROUP is a union of three independent companies: Gebr. SAACKE GmbH & Co. KG in Pforzheim (Germany) and its subcompanies in China, احصل على السعر

Boilers for ships| Marine boilers| SAACKE- SAACKE Group

Fired marine boiler FMB-VL. Water tube type steam boiler for medium to large power range; The special spherical shape of the furnace top plate gives an increased stability against ship vibrations and protects this part of the boiler against partial overheating, because residues in the boiler water are led to the downcomer connections on the periphery of the drum before they can احصل على السعر

Home Gebr. SAACKE GmbH & Co. KG

SAACKE GmbH & Co. KG SAACKE tools and machines For individual requirements SAACKE Precision tools and tool grinding machines For more than 125 years, companies worldwide appreciate SAACKE's experience in the manufacture of precision tools and tool grinding machines. Our family business started in 1892 with the production of tools.احصل على السعر

Customer service for industrial burners & combustion

24-hour hotline. Plant consultation on energy efficiency, modernization and revamping. SAACKE offers you the possibility of having your personnel trained in Bremen or locally during commissioning. Just like our burners, our service is designed to be flexible. From our service system, you can call up the part you need for your specificاحصل على السعر


Since more than 125 years, the company Gebr.SAACKE GmbH & Co. KG produces precision tools and tool and cutter grinding machines in Pforzheim, Germany.What began with the simplest means and solid manual work in 1892, has now matured into a high-tech production. About 200 employees, latest technologies and decades of experience make the innovations with احصل على السعر

SAACKE】价格_厂家 中国供应商

2022-6-11  SAACKE火焰探测器红外 (IR);紫外 (UV);电离 (IO)式火焰探测器,适于所有单燃烧机或多燃烧机装置。 SAACKE燃烧火焰探测器采用数字式火焰评估, 适用于所有燃料的可变式调节,安全度高,可靠性强,可连续工作,无燃烧机功率限制,性能***。 SAACKE隔爆型红紫外复合火焰探测器属于智能型火灾探测设备,它运用了***多红外传感技术。 SAACKE***、SAACKE价 احصل على السعر

saacke锅炉-SKVJM-61a(chinese)中文 豆丁网

2011-11-1  SAACKE遍布全球走向未来的科技70多年来,德国SAACKE有限公司在经济、环保和设备维护等方面为燃烧技术树立了规范和准则。 企业积极开发投入一流工程管理、持续优化系统和产品,以达到客户的专业要求,并确保了最高灵活性。 技术不断创新、精益求精以及可靠的产品奠定了SAACKE在科技的领先地位。 现代卓越的项目管理、全面设备咨询和全球化联网服务 احصل على السعر


2018-2-10  SAACKE’s customers woridwide can rely on fast availability regarding repair and replacement of all SAACKE burners. SAACKE’s service partnership includes at the same time depending on the individual agreement maintenance and operational optimisation of your burners, training of boiler room personnel, safety inspections according to TRD or complete احصل على السعر

扎克能源技术设备(上海)有限公司 天眼查

2022-7-27  简介: 扎克能源技术设备(上海)有限公司,成立于2002-02-05,注册资本为20万美元,法定代表人为CHRISTIAN AUSFELDER,经营状态为存续,工商注册号为310115400089874,注册地址为中国(上海)自由贸易试验区富特西一路155号C楼第六层D部位,经营范围包括区内以能源和燃烧设备及相关的零配件为主的仓储、分拨业务以及相关产品的 احصل على السعر

أداة عالمية وطاحونة القاطع

آلة طحن saacke مخطط كتلة أداة وطاحونة القاطع عالمية آلة المشكل آلة الطحن القاطع paddestoelenexcursie آلة الطحن هول القاطع تستخدم سويسرا آلات أداة طحن 161‬و هو جهاز يقوم saacke أداة أمبير آلة amp القاطع طحن سطح أداة أداة سطح وطاحونة القاطع.احصل على السعر


SAACKE CNC grinding machines work with precision tools of the grade AAA and better and unite precision, maximum automation and productivity in a small space. They are experts in customized solutions which is why every tool grinding machine can be adapted to every customer’s individual request. Furthermore, SAACKE offers seminars and trainings.احصل على السعر


SAACKE Globe | SAACKE China Home 公司简介 产品中心 新闻动态 售后服务 招贤纳士 联系我们 数控磨削中心 德国萨克刀具 刀具修磨 Home 产品中心 滚刀刃磨床HGIV/HGV 刀具磨削中心UWIF 刀具磨削中心احصل على السعر

***供应德国SAACKE燃烧火焰探测器】价格_厂家 中国供应商

2022-2-22  SAACKE火焰探测器红外 (IR);紫外 (UV);电离 (IO)式火焰探测器,适于所有单燃烧机或多燃烧机装置。 SAACKE燃烧火焰探测器采用数字式火焰评估,适用于所有燃料的可变式调节,安全度高,可靠性强,可连续工作,无燃烧机功率限制,性能***。 SAACKE隔爆型红紫外复合火焰探测器属于智能型火灾探测设备,它运用了***多红外传感技术(MIR)和复合探测技术,采用 احصل على السعر


SAACKE FLAME SENSOR FLS 09 UV-5. The SAACKE flame sensor, Type: FLS09 UV-5, Art.Nr.: 7-7955-602167. The SAACKE electronic photocell FLS 09 UV-5 is used in combination with FLUS 06 flame amplifier to detect and احصل على السعر

Oceandynamic Marine Engineering and Trading Ltd.

2022-9-3  The SAACKE Multistream Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS-HM) / SOx scrubber guarantees the continued use of heavy fuel oil, while reliably complying with the required emissions values ( reducing Sulphur from 3.5% down to 0.1% ). Its short amortization period makes it attractive for new-builds and retrofits alike.احصل على السعر

Home Gebr. SAACKE GmbH & Co. KG

Gebr. SAACKE GmbH & Co. KG Präzisionswerkzeuge und Werkzeugschleifmaschinen Kanzlerstr. 250 DE 75181 Pforzheim Tel. +49 (0) 7231 / 9 56 -0 Fax +49 (0) 7231 / 9 56 -290 E-Mail: info @ saacke-pforzheim.deاحصل على السعر


2018-2-10  SAACKE’s customers woridwide can rely on fast availability regarding repair and replacement of all SAACKE burners. SAACKE’s service partnership includes at the same time depending on the individual agreement maintenance and operational optimisation of your burners, training of boiler room personnel, safety inspections according to TRD or complete احصل على السعر

saacke锅炉中文说明书型号CMB-VS 中正锅炉坚持以企业

2020-10-9  saacke 锅炉 中文说明书型号CMB-VS,燃气 (油)锅炉作为一种加热设备,多年来一直应用于各种供热领域。 传统的 燃气锅炉 系统必须安装在锅炉房内,各个辅机比较分散,锅炉房占地面积相应较大;而且为了能让锅炉运行,还需配置繁多的管道、阀门及控制线路等,结构复杂。 因此新型的撬装式锅炉供热系统,其结构简单、紧凑,减少占地面积,而且便于整个系统的安 احصل على السعر

Saacke Uwif في نهاية المطاف أداة آلة طحن

saacke uwif في نهاية المطاف أداة طحن آلة خذ المزيد بيع آلة كسارة الحجر في باكستان get price علامة معدات ثقيلة weekvandekunst علامة محطم لفة ghsspalin فنغ التعدين في ميدان القياس والتحليل لالة تصميم وتقييم للأسنان مزدوجة لفة محطم تأكد من .احصل على السعر

آلة طحن الملف الشخصي

آلة طحن الملف الشخصي باستخدام الحاسب الآلي saacke صمام طحن أمب٪ 3bamp اللف آلة فرم pm500. MIN4050 Fender Semi Truck MinimizerThe MIN 4050 Poly Fender is designed to fit a tandem axle or trailer as a half fender Minimizer manufactures the industry s most durable semi truck fenders -صمام طحن أمب٪ 3bamp اللف آلة فرم pm صمام طحن .احصل على السعر